Ice Mint 10ml
Ice Mint Flavour 10ml is a classic amongst e-liquids and a pretty common choice for users who prefer refreshing yet sweet aroma of mint. It has a mild throat hit and leaves an aftertaste that is both refreshing and sweet. The first impression of cooling is quickly substituted with a warming and sweet effects and that contrast is absolutely irresistible for many vapers.
Available in 18mg, 12mg,6mg and 3mg nicotine content.
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Ice Mint Flavour 10ml is a classic amongst e-liquids and a pretty common choice for users who prefer refreshing yet sweet aroma of mint. It has a mild throat hit and leaves an aftertaste that is both refreshing and sweet. Available in 18mg,12mg, 6mg and 3mg nicotine content. The first impression of cooling is quickly substituted with a warming and sweet effects and that contrast is absolutely irresistible for many vapers.
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